Learning Centre - All Articles
Ultimate Guide to Preparing Your Pond for a Vibrant Spring Season
Your pond, lake, or dugout experience significant changes when spring rolls around. Spring in Canada usually comes along with highly variable temperatures ranging from double digits in the positive range, down to double digits in the negative. We can also experience greater levels of precipitation from snow, sleet, rain, to hail. These environmental factors all take direct and indirect tolls on your pond, so make sure you know what happens to your pond every spring, and how you can best pre
20th Sep 2024
​Understanding Duckweed: The Pros and Cons of Duckweed
You may have seen duckweed; small floating aquatic plants on the surface of your water. Is it more than just an aesthetic concern, and, could there actually benefits to this plant?Pros: Nutritional Value: duckweed contains a significant amount of protein, vitamins, and minerals, making it a valuable food source for fish. Water Purification: duckweed can reduce nutrient levels and improve water quality by reducing excess nutrients in the water, such as nitrogen and phosphorus. Waste Management:
20th Sep 2024
How to Prevent and Treat Duckweed in Your Pond
Tackling Duckweed – Treatment &
PreventionWe’ve all seen
it – a beautiful pond quickly taken over by duckweed. What starts as a few
blooms on the shoreline quickly covers the whole pond. This quick growth leaves
many people at a loss as to how to get rid of it for good. The best way to
treat duckweed is to prevent it! With ongoing pond maintenance, duckweed growth
can be limited and controlled.Duckweed is a
flowering aquatic plant that consists of small oval leaves. It is unique among
other Ca
20th Sep 2024