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Pond Pro Water Testing Services
Pond Pro Water Testing ServicesNeed help identifying what is causing issues in your pond? Want custom product recommendations? Let us get to the root cause of your pond problems and find a solution tailored to your pond. With our new facility upgrades and lab partnerships we can now serve you better all across Canada!If your pond has the following problems, you may need to consider water testing:
Murky waterAlgae/WeedsSludgeOdoursEutrophic pondWhy you should get your water testedSave Time
20th Sep 2024
Clearing Pond Problems: Insights from Pond Pro's Product Experiment
IntroductionThe health and clarity of your pond is vital for both aesthetics and the well-being of aquatic life. Pond Pro offers a range of products designed to mitigate common issues such as algae problems, high phosphate levels, and turbidity. In this blog post, we delve into an experiment conducted by one of our 2023 summer students to observe and test Pond Pro NaturalClear and QuikClear and suggest how various Pond Pro products could help with some common water problems.The ExperimentThe
20th Sep 2024
Is It Safe to Use Bleach in My Pond?
With summer fully underway, many of us are enjoying our backyard ponds, dugout, and lakes for aesthetic purposes, swimming, kayaking, fishing, and more! With that being said, the warm weather, sunshine, and runoff can result in unwanted algae blooms, weed growth, and smelly water making our ponds less desirable. As frustrating as this may be, we urge you NOT to bleach or add chlorine into your pond to try and eliminate weeds, algae, bacteria, or odours.Bleaching or chlorinating your pond may see
20th Sep 2024