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Is It Safe to Use Bleach in My Pond?
With summer fully underway, many of us are enjoying our backyard ponds, dugout, and lakes for aesthetic purposes, swimming, kayaking, fishing, and more! With that being said, the warm weather, sunshine, and runoff can result in unwanted algae blooms, weed growth, and smelly water making our ponds less desirable. As frustrating as this may be, we urge you NOT to bleach or add chlorine into your pond to try and eliminate weeds, algae, bacteria, or odours.Bleaching or chlorinating your pond may see
20th Sep 2024
Pond Pro Canada Pond And Lake Bacteria Treatments
Canadian Made Pond, Dugout, Lake, Lagoon, Wastewater Bacteria Treatments Improve Water Quality and Aquatic HealthPond And Lake Bacteria Treatments With Cold Tolerant Bacteria Are Specifically Designed For Improving The Health Of Your Pond, Dugout Or Lake, As Well For Industrial Applications In Alberta And Throughout Canada.These All-Natural Bacteria Treatments Work Through Breakdown Of Organics And Nutrients That Cause Weed And Algae Growth. This Bioremediation Also Works To Reduce Pond Mu
20th Sep 2024
Summer's End: When Should I Stop Treating my Pond?
It is the fall season, the temperature is getting cooler, but you still see algae in your pond. You might be asking yourself: “should I still treat my pond?” This is a very common question asked by our customers and the answer depends on what you are trying to achieve.Algaecide:Naturally, algae begin to clear as the water temperature drops. This can be a slow process. Depending on what region you are in, your pond may still have algae late in the year. If this is an aesthetic concern for yo
20th Sep 2024
Septic Aeration and Bacteria- Help Keep your System Clean & Healthy
Septic aeration and septic bacteria for the breakdown of sludge and organic waste in your residential and commercial septic tank! Septic AerationPond Pro has become one of Canada’s leading pond and lake aeration experts. With multiple biologists on staff to help determine the oxygen requirements of unique systems and with the manufacturing of our own Canadian-made aeration equipment, Can-Air Aeration Systems, our team has helped remediate and improve the aquatic hea
20th Sep 2024
How to Properly Store Pond and Water Treatments in the Winter
As winter rolls around you may be left with unused pond products from the summer months and wondering if you can use them next year. The answer is, YES! Pond Pro’s products have long shelf lives and can readily be tucked away for continued use the following season! We do urge you to ensure that products are stored properly, so we have outlined general storage guidelines for some of our most popular products below:Bacteria:Pond Pro’s line up of beneficial bacteria is highly effective at breaking
20th Sep 2024